When starting any Ozone modality, you need properly functioning bowels so that toxins can be excreted. It is advisable to undergo a colon cleanse program. You can try colon hydrotherapy/ irrigation, or start a course of natural dietary supplementation. (Such as Oxy Powder MgO) to clean out your entire small and large intestines.
- No alcohol or drugs beforehand
- No heavy meal immediately before
- Light exercise is fine
Before your HOCATT session, you should:
- Not be exhausted (after strenuous exercise) or tired after work
- Not be fasting (food and/or drink)
- Wait 2 hours after eating a heavy meal
- Have a light snack
- Drink 2-4 glasses of water
- Bring a towel
- Do not take vitamin C for 2 hours before and after
- After a session, you should take some time to rest and collect yourself on a chair or bed, and drink 2-3 glasses of water once you are finished dressing
- It is recommended that you do NOT shower for about 2-7 hours after the session, as there are still ozone messengers present on the skin for some time after the session.
- You may start to detox after your first HOCATT session, or it could take a few sessions for your body to start detoxing. You should drink a glass of water every hour throughout the day to support your system during the detox period. You should also drink a glass of luke-warm water with a 1/2 squeezed lemon as soon as you wake up in the morning (at least 1/2 hour before eating or drinking anything else) – this helps to alkalize the body.